Monday, August 22, 2011

Ordinary World - Chapter 1.4

I could still smell the lingering effect of her perfume and with each and every breath I took in the smell of lilacs and roses filled my lungs bringing a smile to my face. I liked her yes, it was weird actually. She was funny and her personality was like a million stars in the sky. I couldn’t stop thinking about her since the night I met her on the beach.

I felt kind as if I was in some type of horribly corny soap opera. The ones where they guy and the girl instantly fall for each other just from the look in their eyes. That right there is exactly how I felt, but I wasn’t really sure if she felt the same way. Sure last night at the Birghtmore she seemed interested and very keen on knowing what I was going to tell her. Maybe she was hoping I’d spill the beans, but she could have also been waiting for me to say just so she could shut me down too.

My roommates clamored on and on about their ‘dates’ and how awesome it was to almost hook up with them on the second well third day of knowing them. Ridiculous I say. My mother always told me ever since I was little that all that mattered was the love not the making of love. That’s what I wanted. Something so pure and so untouchable the higher the affection grew the more you couldn’t stand to be away from that one person.

The way Lucy made me feel was just miraculous. I felt like a teenage boy again with my first crush and that horrible fluttering feeling in my stomach and knees going weak whenever I saw her. I chuckled mostly to myself as we waited for the elevator or our apartment building.

“So dude, did you make a move on that Lucy chick?” Dillon bumped my arm with his elbow and raised his eyebrows up and down like a complete dork.

“No Dillon, I didn’t make a move. I want to take things slow. You know how I am.” Both him and Michael made their usual ‘still doing that’ sound behind my back.

“Why not Ryan? She looked smoking hot tonight?” Michael prodded even more trying to make me feel like an idiot for not doing it.

“So? I know she looked good, but I don’t like rushing things. Just drop it.” Shaking my head I made my voice firm and even to let them know I wasn’t in the mood for their jokes this early in the morning.
“Whatever dude.” Dillon let out a flabbergasted sound of defeat and dropped the subject as we entered the elevator.

The instant the doors open I headed straight for my room; wanting nothing more than the peace and tranquility I needed. Okay well what peace I could get; there really wasn’t much of that when you shared an apartment with two other people…annoying people.

Shutting my door I slid my jacket and shirt off letting them fall to the floor. I threw myself on top of my bed thinking of only her. The sweet melody of her voice, the cute squeakiness of her laugh and just the way she presented herself made her completely unforgettable.

The temptation of texting her surged through my body, but she was probably already asleep. Yawning maybe that’s the road I should head down as well. Climbing under the sheets I tried to fight back the memories for the past few days, which failed pretty epically in fact.

Lucy's POV

I gnawed gently on the inside of my cheek wondering and hoping that things would eventually blossom between the two of us, but maybe he was just going to tell me off tonight rather than tell me that he felt the same way about me as I did him. Flopping down on my bed I starred up at the white popcorn ceiling hoping like crazy that he wasn’t going to tell me off.

He was mysterious and lucid. I loved the way his grey blue eyes would watch my every move, and the way his deep voice would pluck away at my heart. Snuggling under my sheets I blocked out everything but him, and hoped I would dream of nothing but him.

My phone rang waking me from my deep restful sleep. “Hello.” My words slurred into one barely understandable sentence as I slid from my bed and onto the plushness of my white carpet.
“Luc, I’m so glad I got a hold of you!” My mother’s voice would have been a ray of sunshine right in the face if she was actually here. Who on earth is this happy a cheery this early in the morning. Groaning I rolled over to see three fifteen in the afternoon blink at me…. Okay maybe it’s not morning anymore. “I have this lovely man you need to meet. He’s just perfect for you!”

Go figure that my mother would think it was important to get a hold of me because of someone she met would supposedly be ‘perfect’ for me. “Oh really mom?” I didn’t try to hide the non-existent enthusiasm in my voice.
“Oh Luc, give him a chance. He seems like a genuine guy. Nice, and can I add he has a nice *****.” Sliding my hands down my face I made my way to the bathroom.

“Whatever mom, when and where may I ask because I already know you’ve set it up?” Scratching my nose I heard her make a slightly odd noise on the other end.
“Tonight, he’ll be here around sixish. So I need you to be here before than anyways. I hardly ever see you.” Glaring at the wall I sighed.

“Okay than, but I still have to shower and get some clothes on. So probably won’t get there any sooner than him mom.” I made my way to turn on the shower not really wanting to go anywhere tonight.
“Oh heaven’s just come on over and get ready here.” Well she seemed overly eager, and I could bet that from the sound of her voice she was bouncing up and down.
“Whatever mom, I’ll be there in a few minutes. Bye.” I didn’t give her much of a chance to answer because I hung the phone up as I slid on my pink fuzzy slippers.

Tripping over my own feet I made my way to my car and over to my mothers. I really wasn’t looking forward to the whole ‘blind’ date thing. Though no matter how much I told her to knock it off she kept on doing it, and of course me being me I won’t turn it down because I’m to nice to say no.

Pulling into my mother’s driveway I gazed up at the overly sized house. Sure it was nice, and heck I wouldn’t mind actually living there. See here’s the story. My mother and father actually won the lottery shortly after I moved out of our small cooped up house. The excitement of it all gave my father a heart attack and he died shortly after being hospitalized. I think my mom buying this big and nice of a house was filling a void she could never really truly fill again.

Climbing up the stairs I let myself and within the instant I was swept up into a big hug. “Oh Luc look at you honey!” Tapping her on the back I broke up the hug.
“Thanks mom, but if I’m going to be decent tonight I could really use a shower.” She huffed and pointed up the white spiral staircase.
“Be that way then, you know where everything is.” Shaking my head I lightly chuckled to myself from my mother’s odd and random outbursts of anger and made my way up to the bathroom.

Not really wanting to converse with my mother; I stood in the shower until I my fingertips resembled prunes. Drying myself off and pulling on a half cut sweater top and mini skirt I dried and did my hair; followed by my makeup. A light tap on the door startled me causing me to almost mark lipstick across my cheek.

“Yes?” Annoyed I couldn’t help but make sure it was heard through my voice.
“Luc, you aren’t mad at me for doing this are you?” Yes. I thought to myself, but changed my mind on telling her that when I heard how concerned she was about it.

Opening the door I looked back at my mother’s aging face. “Mom I’m not mad at you. I’m just annoyed by you doing this all the time. You know I am more than capable of finding men myself.” She opened her mouth to protest, but I threw my hand up stopping her. “And yes mom I know already. The men I usually chose are low life losers.” I about told her about Ryan until I was cruelly stopped by the ringing of the doorbell.

“Oh that must be him!” I watched as my mom ran from the bathroom and down the stairs, and of course I took my sweet time following her.

Murmurs filled my ears as I reached the bottom steps, and instantly I was stopped dead in my tacks. The man standing with my mother was someone she typically set me up to meet. No, this man was actually gorgeous. Suddenly feeling shy I wrapped my arms around myself as I plastered on a fake smile.

“Lucy this is Colby. Colby this is my lovely daughter Lucy.” Sweat trickled down my forehead as he shook my hand. I didn’t want to get involved with anyone, but I knew for a fact that if I went with him tonight something would end up happening. I’m not sure if it was the uneasy feeling he gave me or if it was all just in my head, but I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to find out.

1 comment:

  1. "My mother always told me ever since I was little that all that mattered was the love not the making of love. That’s what I wanted. Something so pure and so untouchable the higher the affection grew the more you couldn’t stand to be away from that one person." - So sweet! They don't make guys like that too often anymore...Lucy, don't go with Colby!!!
