Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nothing and Everything - Chapter 1.3

I don’t think I will ever forget our first phone conversation. Sure it was awkward at first; especially knowing by the tone of his voice that he was just as nervous as I was. Then of course the shy side of me decided to take over and pretty much with every word he said I had to giggle.

“I really enjoyed getting to know you last night.” He breathed into the phone as he kind of stumbled over his words. I gnawed gently on the side of my cheek trying to come up with something that wasn’t going to make me sound like an idiot.

“I enjoyed getting to know you too Ryan.” I about face palmed myself thinking of just how ridiculous that was by pretty much repeating him. Wrinkling my nose I sighed as I tried to think of something to contradict that stupid line. This pretty much probably ended the conversation because he wasn’t saying a dang thing on the other end.

“So uh hey,” I jumped as he paused for a brief moment for what felt like dramatic effect in a play, and all I could think about was smacking him in the head so he would spit it out all ready. “The guys and I are heading out to the Brightmore tomorrow night, would you guys possibly want to come and hang with us?”

I about choked on my heart as It pretty much tried to leap from my mouth. “Yea that would be awesome; I’d love to hang out with you… I mean everyone again.” He lightly chuckled as I walked towards the wall so I could repeatedly smack my head into it.
“Great, how about we meet there at five?” Leaning my head onto the wall I took in a deep breath wishing that I could stretch the conversation out longer. I love hearing his smooth velvety voice.
“That sounds great. We’ll for sure be there! Bye.” I held my breath waiting for him to say goodbye and wishing he would add something else before it so I know that I didn’t completely mess things up.

“Have a good night Lucy. I’ll look forward to seeing you again, bye.” The sound of a click followed by the ringtone filled my ear and I knew he had hung up. Though his last words still rang out loud and clear in my mind. He said he was looking forward to seeing me and not us again. I sucked in a breath as a stupid dumbfounded grin spread across my face.
Even though we only talked for a few minutes it felt like hours to me. I stood there with a cheesy lovey dovey look on my face; which I was careful not to let my friends see so they wouldn’t make fun of me. But my heart fluttered about in my chest at a million miles and I felt as if I were on top of the world. Life was good.
“You guys want to go out tomorrow night?” Glimpsing back with a sly smile on my face each Marie and Melissa squealed with delight. I took that as a yes.

The next day went by in a blur, and before I knew it I was primping and tugging on my dress in front of the bathroom mirror. Marie suggested I wear this ridiculously tight and overly short dress with high strappy heels. At least the fabric felt soft under my fingers and it wouldn’t quite feel like I was tugging on a rubber band all night. I felt like a complete dork and knew for a fact I would probably take a nose dive either into a wall or the floor sooner or later.
Swallowing hard I stepped out of the bathroom so my friends could finally get a look at how stupid I looked. Of course the key word there is ‘friends’ and they cheered and whistled approving the deadly look instead of telling me I looked horribly bad. I guess I could only hope that Ryan would approve as much as they did.

We ended up beating them there which just full on added to my nerves. I swear if I could have been running around in a circle pulling my hair out like a crazy person I surely would have been doing so in that moment. The doors whooshed open and in came Ryan and his friends Dillon and Michael laughing; well that is until the saw us standing there.
It was like everything was in slow motion Ryan’s smile was wiped from his face and replaced with this odd look of awe. He rose his eyebrow and half smiled at me.

“Hey Lucy, you look absolutely stunning tonight.” I half giggled to myself feeling once again like an idiot. “Shall we go into the club instead of just standing here in the entrance way?” The question was directed for everyone, but his eyes never left mine.
As we entered the night club my nerves flooded away as the pulsing beat from the music vibrated the wooden floors beneath our feet and instantly I wanted to sway my hips against the music. I couldn’t help but pull him towards the dance floor and do just that. Music moved me in such ways that I really couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the hypnotic beats.

I felt his eyes on me the entire time we danced, and I couldn’t help the feeling of wanting to get closer to him. It’s like I was in a different world and all I noticed was him and no one else. He grabbed my hips pulling me into a hug and he just held me there close to him. Taking in a deep breath I could faintly smell lemon and citrus and it was absolutely tantalizing.

“Can I say something? I mean even if it sounds pretty stupid?” He pulled away from me and looked into my eyes. Griping his shoulders I bit my lip and shook my head yes. “You know what. Never mind about it’s, well it’s just plain stupid.” His eyes moved to the bar than back to me. “Maybe I’ll bring it up some other time, but do you want something to drink?” Frustrated I rolled my eyes as he took my hand leading me to the bar where our friends seemed to be getting along a little to well if you asked me.

Marie was pretty much in Michael's lap and Melissa was in her lovely giggly stage as Dillon leaned in close to her. I gnawed on my cheek as Ryan handed me a drink and I couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous from not having that kind of attention from Ryan. Drinking I turned my back on them and sighed.
“Look I’m sorry.” Startled by the frustrated tone in his voice I looked up at him.
“For what?” I asked innocently, because I knew he knew I was annoyed by him not saying what he intended to tell me.

“I just want to wait a bit, because frankly I really don’t want to scare you off. There’s something about you that I just don’t want to lose.” Placing his drink on the counter he ran his hand through his mouse brown hair.

“Don’t be sorry about it Ryan. I understand.” I said looking into my empty cup debating if I wanted to try and get more out of it. Shrugging I placed it down next to Ryan’s as I stared at the strobe lights.
“I’d love to just ya know, go out. Just the two of us, whenever is good for you that is. Next week is best for me.” He started to ramble which was cute and I couldn’t help but laugh. “What?” Puzzled he looked at me like he was a lost puppy; cute and absolutely innocent.

“Ryan I’d love to. Just call and let me know. Whenever is good for me. The most I do is write during the day so nothing will cut into my schedule.” It was like my words lifted a weight of his chest because he seemed a bit more at ease.

The night calmed down and we all left at closing. We gave each other a small friendly hug and we were reluctantly on our way home. Marie and Melissa jabbed on about how great Michael and Dillon were at kissing, and oddly this time it didn’t bother me. I guess it was mostly because I knew I would see him again, and hopefully talk to him again beforehand.


  1. Ryan's so cute. I like how you are taking time letting their romance happen.

  2. Awww Ryan is sweet. And I agree with what Jazen said. Good job taking time to let their romance happen. :)

  3. lol thanks guys ^_^ I really didn't want to just jump right on into like my last legacy. Oh death, than tragic misfortune, than oh wow we're in love kind of thing.

    That and I just realized I had their little group icons above some of their heads. -__- I wish that hideheadlineeffects on cheat worked for those as well.
